#488- Bearclaw Spruce and Bird’s Eye Maple Alto Ukulele

Plain maple sounds as good as fancy maple, but it sure is fun to use this amazing set for this ukulele. The Bird’s eye maple was cut for ukuleles by Ken from the Carpenter Ant stash and I got to put it to use. The customer wanted a loud uke and she got it, but it’s also sweet with good sustain. The blond look is offset by small black lines and accents, which helps give the aesthetic some framing. The Bearclaw spruce is old growth salvaged from Alaska, the spruce neck is from Camp Westwind on the Oregon coast and the maple for fretboard and headplate are scraps from making my workbench.

Just wanted to let you know my uke arrived safe and sound. It is a beauty and loud, just as you said. The “blond” look is awesome, glad I let you take the lead on that. The birds eye maple is to die for. I had a bit of a learning curve as I never had a radiused fretboard before. Thank you for continuing to use repurposed and sustainable woods in your building practices. I also love the alto size. It is perfect for me. This uke will be treasured for many years to come.

Thanks again,