This instrument was a fun study in contrasts for me, both in the visual and sonic sense. Redwood has a deep, resonant tone with a bit of a dusty edge, while a Maple back and sides is vibrant and sweet. The combo is a little of all that, with either quality coming through depending on how hard you pick the string. The color palette also features a lot of contrast between the deep red of Redwood and the amber of the Maple. I played with that by using a crazy Pistachio fretboard and headplate which draws from both ends of the color spectrum. The curly Maple binding with black decorative veneers made a nice border around everything. The Redwood was salvaged from a Tacoma boat shop. The Maple was a local tree, milled by Chris at Yodel Boy Woodworks. The Pistachio is from California orchards. The Fir neck is salvaged from a floor joist.