#826- Port Orford Cedar and Curly Myrtle Tenor Ukulele

I’ve been struggling lately to describe to people what the tonal difference is between Western Red Cedar and Port Orford Cedar. Today, I figured out what makes sense to me: Red Cedar sounds red, like autumn colors and funny/sad memories. Port Orford Cedar sounds green, like springtime and wishing for summer vacation. Am I crazy? Don’t care, it makes sense to me. This one started with the awesome asymmetrical Myrtle back, giving me the color palette for the rest of the Uke. The Myrtle comes from a Portland tree that I milled. The Port Orford Cedar top comes from southern Oregon and the Pistachio fretboard/headplate/bridge come from California orchards, both via woodfromthewest.com. The simple Fir neck is salvaged from a floor joist. It just sounds green to me!

Hi to Aaron and family. I wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying my new uke (826). I received it Monday and have had three days with it.

No.1, it is without parallel for intonation, in my experience. I’m extremely picky about that. Also, this uke is the lightest tenor I’ve picked up, and it’s perfectly balanced.

...Thanks to all of you for your parts in all this.

- J. M.