#792- Port Orford Cedar and Sycamore Alto Ukulele

This was a very fun build for me: a simple design, domestic materials and some freedom from the customer to make some decisions on my own. The Port Orford Cedar top is some very old fine grained wood from the Oregon coast. The Sycamore is from the Carpenter Ant stash in Portland, with some beautiful grain that is not too flashy. I used fir and maple shop scraps for the neck and some Pistachio from California Orchards for the fretboard/headplate/bridge. I chose some rope binding for the body and some amber stain under the finish. I think it looks classy and sounds crisp and defined. I have more nice Sycamore like this, let’s do a tenor next!

Aaron & Nicole,
Many thanks for the Sycamore and Port Orford alto uke #792. I play it daily and someday hope that my playing catches up with its beautiful crisp tone and distinctive style. It has sung at my younger son’s wedding in May and a few other outdoor venues where it blends well with guitar and better voices that mine.
Best regards,
D. H.