#767- Redwood and Mahogany Tenor Ukulele

This is instrument is mainly made from wood I salvaged from a closing boat shop in Tacoma, WA. I heard about some very old, very large pieces of real Honduras Mahogany that was there. I teamed up with a few guitar builders to split the stash, and found a plank of mahogany 10 feet by 4 feet by 4 inches. Behind was another plank half that size and behind that was this amazing redwood piece. I made a deal for all of it, managed to get it in my truck and got out of there before anyone could stop me. This sort of Mahogany is prized by luthiers for its strength to weight ratio, easy workability and beautiful grain. The Redwood is also nice, super old, super tight grained and perfectly quartersawn. Look forward to a lot of both of these boards over the next several years. I chose to pair it with some amazing grafted Pistachio from California orchards and my shop made rope binding.