#661- Fir and Curly Maple Baritone Ukulele

The maple from this baritone ukulele came from an amateur violin maker, who’s health had stopped him from realizing his dream. He only made a handful of instruments and I bought his maple from him when he had to give up. He wanted to make sure that I made instruments from it and here we are. (There is one next month too.) The Douglas Fir is all salvaged old growth wood from the Carpenter Ant Stash. The grafted Pistachio is from California orchards. Loud, crisp and complex, with lots of sustain, I had a great time playing it before shipping.

Thanks for checking up on my baritone ukulele now that I’ve had some time to get to know it. First off, it’s stunning visually. Aaron had some amazing tiger striped maple for the back and sides, and some beautiful old growth fir for the top. They fit together beautifully, and the pistachio details really tie it all together. When I play it, I can feel it purring like a kitten - it’s a very physical experience - and it responds well to a variety of touches, to make a huge dynamic range. It really wants to be played and it can be very hard to put down. The voice is really lovely - clear and singing, with plenty of presence behind the notes. I can’t say enough good things about it!
- M. T.