#643- Cedar and Dogwood Scout Ukulele

Western Red Cedar is my current favorite top wood for ukulele. It is light and rather soft, but quite strong when quartersawn. This Cedar is from an old wooden hot tub that I got from the Rebuild-It center and is very old. The Dogwood back and sides are from the Carpenter Ant stash. The grafted Pistachio is from California Orchards.

Scout 643 made it to New Jersey! The Scout Camp Ukulele is beyond expectations! Beautiful Woods in combination with spot on Craftsmanship! Can’t believe it is made of Scraps! The Dogwood, Pistachio, and Red Cedar is a good fit for a Waiting List Luthier’s Choice Instrument. If anyone is hesitant to be on the waiting list, don’t be. Trust and Faith will reward you with a chance ukulele you probably wouldn’t have ordered- but are beaming from the unboxing of your new 4 Stringed Friend to get acquainted with and grow closer as the two of you become familiar with each other… Happy Holidays Keim Family! And a prosperous and healthy New Year to come!

- D. D.