#644- Spruce and Dogwood Baritone Ukulele

Dogwood is proving to be a really nice tonewood. Almost as bright as Maple, with a cheerful sound and a unique look. This Dogwood is from the Carpenter Ant stash, felled and milled by Ken on-site and stored for many years. The Englemann Spruce is from a retired guitar builder, the Pistachio is from California orchards and the Douglas Fir neck is salvaged from a floor joist.

Hi, Aaron, Nicole, and Henry.
The uke has arrived in superb condition. It is absolutely beautiful to the eyes as well as the ears. I love it with the unwound fourth string. Won’t be able to take my hands off of it for quite a while. Thank you so much. What a stunner.
Have a great Thanksgiving,
- F. P.