#491- Curly Myrtle Scout Ukulele

Due to a couple of cancellations due to COVID-19, I’ve had the time recently to make a couple of these little Scout ukuleles. They are a fun challenge in that I intend them as humble folk art, but the perfectionist side of me is always pushing for higher quality. It’s a nice challenge. This one is made from curly Myrtle from the scrap bin from when I worked at Mya-Moe, pistachio from California orchards and Douglas fir floor boards.

Dear Aaron and Nicole-

I’ve enjoyed getting acquainted with this little scout since its arrival. Having always favored soprano ukes, the addition of one of these to my collection was a no brainer. It is not only beautiful, but an absolute joy to play! At a glance one can truly appreciate the creative compassion that goes into each and every Beansprout build. While your craftsmanship goes without saying, I’ve also learned a ton from your music and video tutorials over the years. Thanks for ALL you do! Enclosed is a little sampling of my humble attempt at clawhammer.

- J.K.