#477- Walnut and Pistachio Concert Banjo Ukulele

The walnut and pistachio concert banjo uke has become one of our standard models and I’m happy to make another. This one is going to an artist in the UK who has been a long term customer, Stephen Wragg, who has a lovely family band and runs an ukulele club in St Albans. I had fun with the multi colored pistachio on this one to contrast with the more subtle walnut. The pistachio comes from California orchards and the walnut is old air dried stuff from Missouri, harvested from a customer’s family land.

Hi Aaron and Nicole,

Banjo Uke has arrived and I love it, so beautifully made. It’s wonderful, and so comfortable to play too.

I am in awe of how you do it…

Am having fun playing with the foam block and hearing the differences.

Thank you so much, and keep well, and will be in touch soon!

All the best,
- S.W.