It is a strange feeling to spend many years collecting “perfect” wood but watch my wabi-sabi/asymmetrical/twisted grain designs gain so much attention. I’m not complaining, but it’s a little funny to dig through the wood stash, pushing aside the “good” pieces to find something like this. This set does stand a cut above, I believe, because of the beautiful flame and curl AND the asymmetrical stance it takes. This Myrtle is from a board given to me by a customer that was left over from a furniture project. I wrapped it all up with straight grain pistachio from California Orchards and set it with a fir floorboard and walnut neck. It plays easy and sounds great. Proceed.
I spent a pretty good amount of time with #393 this weekend and I absolutely love it! It’s a fantastic work of art and is just lovely to play. It sounds great and it is by far the easiest uke to play that I’ve encountered. The neck has a softness to it that was unexpected in the best way and all of the detail that’s gone into it is just wonderful to see up close. The myrtle you had available really is some of the best looking wood I’ve seen in any instrument, period. It feels like it can tell so many stories already. A few of my friends who also play have all asked me who made it as well as grilled me on all the details of the build. Thank you so much for making such a wonderful instrument for me! It’s going to have a wonderful home here in Chicago.
- R. R. ”