#319- Koa, Pistachio and Fir Tenor Ukulele

You know that I have been sticking to more local woods since launching Beansprout, but Koa and Mahogany are so foundational to ukulele history that I can’t ignore them. However, I am always looking for the best ecological and economical way to use these “tropical” woods, sticking to salvaged sources and trusted suppliers. This particular Koa set comes from Bruce at Notable Woods and was sold as a “second” or flawed set. I find it’s flaws/freckles/dimples completely charming and can’t believe it ever made it onto the “B” grade pile. Add to it a one of a kind wavy pistachio fingerboard from California Orchards and a knotty old growth Douglas Fir neck and I am smitten. I hope you are too.