#468- Curly Walnut and Pistachio Five String Banjo

Curly walnut is a beautiful wood and difficult to come by. This board from Goby in Portland is multi-colored, swirly, knotty and filled with character. It was a real challenge to get the whole rim and neck from the one board, but I really wanted it to match. The rim is 12” across and features a wooden tone ring and goat skin head, which give it depth, warmth and character. But, I’ve started making the rims a little thinner, which gives it more vibrancy and volume. A really nice combination overall. The walnut is so crazy looking that I chose plain pistachio from California orchards for the fretboard and trim. This was a challenging build for me, as the larger rim maxes out my tooling capacity, but the beautiful sound made it all worthwhile.

Hi Aaron,
Just wanted to let you know that #468 arrived today, safe and sound. Got her all tuned up and I’ve been playing it in between meetings I’ve had today.

It’s absolutely beautiful — and the sound of it really, really resonates with me. The action feels spot on. The wood is gorgeous. Your craftsmanship is amazing.

My husband Jody, who doesn’t play an instrument, commented to me today about the sound of your banjo: “It’s mellow and round.”

I’m looking forward to getting to know this banjo. Lots of playing ahead!

Thank you,
- J. E.

#465- Curly Red Oak Concert Banjo Ukulele

Our modest home has 30 year old kitchen cabinets. The problem isn’t the red oak doors, the problem is the poorly designed and constructed melamine boxes they cover. Despite the fact that red oak may not be in style in the home design world, it is fantastic for musical instruments. Many turn of the 19th century guitars and banjos were built of oak, so I’m not a pioneer. I’m just a careful student of materials. When I see a domestic, readily available, beautiful, easy to work, good sounding wood, I use it. For the pistachio fretboard and trim, we chose a mottled green and tan look, which I think is a good contrast to the oak. The armrest and the pickup are nice add ons for a capable but modest instrument.

#467- Curly Port Orford Cedar and Curly Walnut Baritone Ukulele

For me, it’s all about texture. The feel of the different woods under finish, the visual textures of these crazy pieces of wood and the sonic textures that this instrument makes. All of these things are odd, unique, personal, idiosyncratic and maybe unable to be repeated. That is what makes a handmade object so precious. Unlike our modernist factory made goods, it can’t be replicated. The grafted pistachio and the grafted walnut from this uke come from California Orchards. The curly and mineral stained Port Orford Cedar top comes from the Oregon coast. The wide grained spruce neck comes from Camp Westwind, one of my favorite places on earth. I find the tone of this one really beautiful, it’s dark and rich without being muddy and the sustain lasts forever.

#469- Curly Port Orford Cedar and Myrtle Alto Ukulele

This one really shows off what I feel I am good at: domestic woods, tidy design, classic details and natural wood tones. Add in easy playability, balanced tone and comfortable proportions to top it all off. The Port Orford cedar top and Myrtle back and sides are from the Oregon coast via woodfromthewest.com. The walnut is from some salvaged wall paneling and the spruce neck is from Camp Westwind in Otis, OR.

Love the ukulele! I played it all evening. It sings beautifully!

- D. S.

#470- Mastergrade Myrtle Tenor Ukulele

I will never be perfect, neither will you and nothing ever will be. But as I strive for a more humble and empathetic outlook in my work and life, I still find myself working towards a perfection of my craft. This is an obvious contradiction, yet it seems to make sense in my head and heart. Every instrument is better than the last, yet I can still point out flaws that a customer never sees. I somehow need to be proud of my work and aware of how it can be better. How do I do it? I let go.

And now, I let this one goes to Mitch, who is also imperfect and beautiful at the same time.

Mastergrade Myrtle from the Oregon coast and pistachio from California orchards thanks to woodfromthewest.com. The spruce neck is from Camp Westwind in Otis, OR.

Hi Aaron and Nicole,

My Beansprout Tenor arrived safely and I have now had a bit of time with it. The wood and craftsmanship are excellent and it sounds great - loud and well balanced! Did I mention it’s beautiful?

Thank you and stay safe.

- M. K.

#466- Curly Maple and Pistachio Tenor Banjo Ukulele

Furniture maker James Krenov wrote that the most sustainable and eco-friendly thing you can do with wood is to make something from it that will never been thrown away. Instead of owning five cheap end tables in your lifetime that wear out and are discarded, it would be better to buy one of quality that is made to last. The same goes for musical instruments, of course. My friends at Zena Forest Products in Salem, OR understand this. They run a mill/shop on their family land, managing 1300 acres of native Oregon forest. I bought three slabs of of this multi colored curly maple a few summers ago when I visited and it’s almost gone. This banjo is for a customer who also knows the folks at Zena and asked for a banjo from their wood. The maple is so fancy, that I chose some simpler pistachio for the fretboard and headplate. The pistachio comes from our friends woodfromthewest.com, another company that knows how to provide quality wood with a sustainable footprint. Partners like these make it easier for me to do this crazy job and keep close to my values, I’m glad I’m not alone.

It arrived (that was fast), it’s beautiful, and it sounds great!

Hopefully, I’ll have some time to play more with it tomorrow.

I am looking forward to playing this for years to come.

- B. K.

#471- Port Orford Cedar and White Oak Alto Ukulele

This one was fun for me as it is the first customer instrument I have completed since my ankle surgery in January. It also turned out to be a unique combination of domestic woods that made for a nice look and tone. I have been drawn to playing it the last few days and I am excited to get it out to the world. The blue stained Port Orford cedar top and the pistachio fretboard and headplate are from woodfromthewest.com, one of our favorite west coast suppliers. Both have a Wabi-Sabi look to them that I like. The quartersawn oak back and sides from the Carpenter and stash remind me of arts and crafts style furniture, which is a favorite of mine. The curly maple binding ties it all together. I’m hoping that this instrument signals a return to a more normal shop schedule. Stay safe, friends.

Thank you Aaron, Nicole and Henry for a terrific ukulele!

It arrived last Friday and I’ve already had great time with it and with your “Fingerstyle Ukulele” book. The alto size feels comfortable to hold and to play. For such a small instrument, the sound is beautiful and resonant, and I think low G works very well. Both the sound and the looks speak of fine workmanship.

Thank you again and all the best,
- Y. K.

#462- Mastergrade Koa Tenor Ukulele

This instrument was supposed to be the centerpiece of my merch table at the Reno Uke Fest this spring. Since that has been postponed, I thought I would offer it up on eBay. This big island Koa came from Bruce at Notable Woods, who works hard to sustainability harvest and preserve this precious wood. The neck is old growth fir from a Portland floor hoist and the pistachio comes from California orchards. I wrapped it up in rope binding for a classic look. The sound is also classic, with the sparkle of Koa and the depth of the tenor size.

I am so pleased! The uke arrived a day before expected and it is so wonderful in my hands.
Nice sustain, friendly familiarity of play, and the most gorgeous douglas fir neck showing off an ancient tree’s slow growing later years. You know i love that kind of workmanship. I love its contrast to the flaming marvel of the koa and it rope binding. I am one pleased accidental owner of my first Beansprout.
This hawaiian oregon songbird has found a happy new home. I look forward to hearing it “open up” over the coming months.
Thank you to you and Nicole and Henry (because i bid for all of you) from the bottom of my smiling heart.
- L. M.

#461- Curly Koa Scout Ukulele

This instrument was slated to be sold as a stock instrument at a festival this spring, but all of our festivals were cancelled, of course. We were able to sell it by auction on ebay and thankfully it offset some of our lost income. We are so grateful.

The curly Koa are cutoffs from the old Mya-Moe shop that I saved. The walnut fretboard, headplate and bridge are made from 1960’s wall paneling and the mahogany comes from a pallet. The rope binding ties it all together and gives it a nice old timey look. It is a soprano scale with a flat fretboard and 8” round body based on the old Lyon and Healy camp uke. It has a bone nut and saddle, fluorocarbon strings, brass fret markers, geared tuners, strap buttons and a soft case.

Thank you for building such a lovely work of art! I keep missing the regular scouts that you’ve built, and I wasn’t about to let this special one escape. It’s here and it’s **wonderful**, as you know! The size is absolutely perfect. I’m playing things with ease that have been a bit of a struggle - a struggle to play cleanly, anyway.

Thanks again so much for everything; I hope you all stay well. “

- K. V.

#440- Western Red Cedar and Walnut Tenor Ukulele

I put this together as a stock instrument and to try a few things out. This is the first red cedar top I have done since relaunching Beansprout. Cedar can get torn up by hard strummers and cracks more easily than some other soft woods. But, if braced well and with a clear plastic pick guard, I was ready to use it again. It just sounds so dang good! I also wanted to try out some vintage style purfling and some curly maple binding to wrap it up. Over all, I am so pleased with the look and the sound of this uke. It’s a real winner! The curly walnut back and sides come from woodfromthewest.com, the cedar top is salvaged from wall siding, the walnut fretboard, headplate and bridge come from Goby in Portland and the Oregon spruce neck is from Camp Westwind.

#463- Maple and Mahogany Five String Banjo

I needed a banjo for myself that was: 1) lightweight 2) loud and sweet 3) made quickly from available/thrifty woods.

To achieve this, I tried curly maple for the rim without a pistachio tone ring. I turned the block rim a little thinner than normal. For the neck, I used some mahogany and added maple for the fretboard, stripe and headplate. The maple rim turned out loud and sweet, with a growl to the low strings that I like. The mahogany neck made it a bit lighter than a maple neck. I also used a smaller headstock and tuners to make it balanced in my lap. I stained everything with the same stain, which gives it a bit of a folk art look. The thin, hand rubbed stain and finish will show a nice patina over time. Overall? A success. It was really just a series of small tweaks to my usually design, but it added up to something with a slightly different personality.

#460- Port Orford Cedar and Koa Scout Ukulele

My homage to the vintage Camp ukuleles made by Lyon and Healy, these Scout ukes pack a lot of music into a small package. Made from shop scraps and little pieces I couldn’t bear to put in the wood stove, they each have their own personality. You can’t order one, I just make them when I have the extra time. This one sounds really good, probably because of the choice Port Orford Cedar top. It is paired with a Koa back and sides, mahogany neck and walnut everything else.

Completed Work Demo #453- Walnut and Pistachio Mini Five String Banjo

We just finished reading “Farmer Boy” by Laura Ingalls Wilder, which our son Henry loved. He noticed how hard they worked and how little they had, even though they were prosperous farmers and landowners. He noticed how many things the family made and did by hand, even though they had money to spend in town. I noticed that the characters leaned on honesty and hard work to fix the problem. No excuses, no lies and no backing out of duty and responsibility. I admit that I made a mistake when working on this banjo and found myself thinking “what would the dad in Farmer Boy do?” I messaged the customer, admitted the problem and fixed it so that we are both happy. I’m proud of my work, happy to support my family this way and grateful for the business. We don’t do everything in the old ways, but Farmer Boy really got me thinking. Maybe we should get a few pigs…or build a sleigh…or make some watermelon pickles…or weave our own straw hats…we are gonna need more than 1/2 acre though….

The walnut for this banjo is urban salvage from Goby in Portland. The pistachio is from California orchards. The hands that built it are mine, the hands that play it are yours, the music is for everybody.

Hi Nicole and Aaron,
I love my mini banjo! It’s fun and easy to play and a work of art. The craftsmanship is beautiful.

- C. M.

#456- Curly Myrtle Tenor Ukulele

Asking me if there should be more rope binding is like asking if I would like another glass of wine. The answer is often yes and I only rarely regret it. I even bound the fretboard in rope on this one. The curly Oregon Myrtle set is so well quartersawn that the book matched parts are truly stunning. The pistachio fretboard is also a unique one, the reddish brown color turning the corner right at the end. The fir neck is salvaged from a pig barn in The Dalles, OR, the pistachio is from California orchards and the Myrtle is from the Oregon coast. It’s easy to play and loud, with great note clarity and sustain. A real winner!

Hi Aaron, Nicole & Henry,
Thank you so much for the WONDERFUL ukulele! I absolutely love it!!! It sounds amazing, and plays beautifully! I really appreciate the craftsmanship in all of the details, and I also appreciate the re-purposing of the wood from the pig barn for the neck! The swish pattern of the neck at the soundhole is really a nice, artistic touch. I can only hope that I can raise my ukulele skills up enough to be worthy of the instrument!
- B. K.

#458- Mastergrade Myrtle Alto Ukulele

This instrument was ordered by one of my woodworking friends for his wife Robin. When we were planning the build, I found out that he had scored some old floor joists from the dumpster across the street from his house in Portland. Of course I came to check them out and took them back to my shop in partial trade. They turned out to be very nice Fir, with good color and tight straight grain. I can’t believe people throw this stuff away! We chose a nice Mastergrade Oregon Myrtle set for this alto that has very nice color, grain patterns and curl. We finished it off with walnut binding and pistachio (from California orchards) fretboard, bridge and headplate. Robin is an ukulele beginner, I wish I would have started with a uke like this!!!

#454- Oak and Persimmon Mini Five String Banjo

This customer said that they liked the brown/tan spectrum of colors and appreciated knots and wormholes. The rest they left up to me. I like getting a little but of info like this but also the freedom to follow my muse when selecting wood. I am trying out a Persimmon fretboard here, which is an American wood that is in the ebony family. Even though it is lighter in color, it is very hard and sense, suitable for fretboards. The Oregon white oak rim and neck are from the Carpenter Ant stash in Portland and was likely originally milled for grandfather clocks. Some other customer requests include an arm rest, a flat fretboard and open A tuning. I like the loud but dusty sound of oak. It’s different than maple and walnut but is still a little hard for me to describe. I’ll wait and see how the customer describes it and add it to our vocabulary!

This banjo has been such a wonderful delight! Before it arrived, I probably watched almost all the demo videos of mini five strings and looked at all the pictures, but when I opened the case I was still totally blown away by how beautifully adorable this instrument is. And, I was equally impressed by how well setup and easy to play this banjo arrived. This is probably the first instrument I’ve gotten directly from a maker that I felt didn’t need any additional setup at all. Each note rings clear, and the 8” head was plenty of room for my clumsy hands. There is plenty of volume from this banjo and the sound is a nice old time howl. The banjo has a really nice weight to it, probably because of the beautiful selected Oak wood. One of the biggest factors in choosing this banjo was the option to use Oak. My littlest child has a middle name “Oak”, and my last name is Portuguese for Oak. I felt the oak would make a nice addition to an heirloom family instrument.

Here’s my littlest one, getting a feel for the banjo!
- K. C.

#444- Mastergrade Myrtle Tenor Ukulele- Nicole’s New Ukulele!

This instrument has been many months in the making and I am happy to finally get pictures and video out to the world. The build and its story are also documented in a two part article in Ukulele Magazine, so check that out to learn more. Nicole is not only my wife, but my artistic and business partner. Everything I make goes through her hands before it reaches the world, so I put a lot of pressure on myself to get this one right. It is made from Mastergrade Myrtle with an asymmetrical one piece top and back. (I have more from this board if you would like one!) It has a curly walnut fretboard and headplate with wood fretboard markers. The tuners also have hand carved walnut knobs instead of plastic. It is bound in curly maple, with a decorative marquetry purfling that we got from Gurian Instruments in Seattle. The neck is old growth Douglas Fir salvaged from a floor joist. It felt good to add some extra decorative touches to the build and to stretch myself to try new things. I can tell she likes it it because I have been hearing her practice late at night. She’s my most important customer and I’m glad I got it right!

#459- Curly Myrtle Baritone Ukulele

When I got this Myrtle from a supplier, it had the knots on the back circled as if it was a problem and he needed to apologize for the “flaws.” Well, you know how I feel about that, I made sure to feature them as a reminder of our own flawed beauty. The all Myrtle baritone is a standard for me to build and play, one of my all around favorite ukes. This one does not disappoint as it feels and sounds great in my hands. The Myrtle is from the Oregon coast, the pistachio is from California orchards and the spruce neck is from Camp Westwind.

#455- Mastergrade Myrtle Tenor Ukulele

Sometimes grading wood sets can be difficult, especially when sawing your own from rough stock. Sometimes a set is borderline Mastergrade and it is hard to decide what to charge for it. But sometimes, like this ukulele, it is Mastergrade and everyone can agree. Its well quartersawn and the flamed book matched plates are obviously special. I chose a multi colored and interesting pistachio fretboard and a simple mahogany neck and wrapped it all up in rope binding. The Myrtle is from the Oregon coast and the pistachio is from California orchards. The mahogany is from the Carpenter Ant stash in Portland.

I absolutely love my Beansprout. (#455) The first thing I immediately noticed upon unboxing the uke was that it was even more beautiful than the photos you had been sharing on email and Instagram. And the photos had been gorgeous, so there was that. Amazingly, it just got better from there. I’ll be brief since you’ve heard this before and written more descriptively. But I love everything about this uke - the shape and size, the weight, the texture, even the smell, and most importantly, of course, the sound. It’s the best sounding uke I’ve ever played - by far. It’s sounds even better than it looks which is saying a lot! I am so happy with the decision to go with Beansprout. You were great to work with throughout the process. It was so much fun watching the uke evolve through the various building stages. Thanks very much for everything.
- C. P.

#457- Spruce and Walnut Alto Ukulele

This instrument is for Karen, who I have built several instruments for. She likes the alto size because it is small enough to feel comfortable but has better tone and volume than her soprano ukuleles. We used walnut for the back and sides in order to give a richer tone as this one is string with a low fourth string. I enjoyed playing with symmetry in this one, with some parts book matched almost perfectly and some parts purposely asymmetrical. For instance, I even book matched the headplate, but it blends so well together that you can’t tell unless you look closely. The knotty Oregon spruce top and neck come from Camp Westwind on the coast. All the walnut is urban salvage from Goby in Portland.